Friday, June 18, 2004


Dilemma Update: Today I bought the stamps, paper and envelopes - I didn't realise that these could be so expensive! £7.06 gone in just one purchase! I couldn't buy a pack of ten stamps either, so had to make do with twelve, further eating into the die collateral. I am sure that a use will transpire for these as well at a future date, for the die keeps it all in mind...

Yesterday's options to my dilemma over what I should do with the paper, envelope and stamps I was required to purchase were...

  • Write to ten newspapers spreading a message of goodwill and happiness (and, of course, news of the Grand Experiment).

  • Start a chain letter with a difference: write to only 3 people and enclose the stamps for them to write to two other people. Use the last stamp to write to the politician of your choice telling him/her how crap you think s/he is.

  • Write to ten faded celebrities inviting them to a party in recognition of their contribution to the world of entertainment.

  • Write to 10 local companies asking for sponsorship of the experiment, and maybe a contribution of a raffle prize.

  • Write to ten British film related people or institutions with loads of money asking them to donate funds for a new fil you're making.

  • Write to 5 people chosen at random from the blogring. Use the remaining 5 stamps for SAEs and ask the recipients to send something back to you which will (a) fit into the envelope you've provided (b) be of interest to you, and help further your experiment and (c) won't exceed the postage weight limit for the stamp you've provided.

  • The result was: One (If I roll a two with the next dilemma, I might have to invest in a new random number generator).

    I therefore have to send letters to ten newspapers spreading a message of goodwill and happiness, which is all well and good - I'm sure that I can leave the exact decision over which newspapers down to my own free will, but the actual message is a different matter entirely.

    Dilemma Three:
    What precisely should I write in this letter? (You have all weekend to consider this one... Your humble Dice Slave will return on Monday, 5.30p.m)

    Preferred option:
    Dear Sirs,

    Please do not blame me for this letter: the die told me to write it. It tells me what to do on a daily basis, and I try my best to do what it says. Today it told me to speak to you, and to tell you about my world.

    Even if you do no more than throw this letter in the bin, I beg that you remember and pass on the dies' message of wellbeing and joy: Bundebangles!

    Best regards,
    The Dice Slave

    Thursday, June 17, 2004


    Dilemma One was: What should be the first use for the collateral?

    My possible options were:

  • Enter the Lottery

  • Buy a dictionary

  • Buy a premium shop on Shopdonkey

  • Use it to place an advert somewhere asking people to send you money to fund the experiment

  • Spend it on the cheap shelf at Tesco / Buy a gift for Fathers' day Possibly a bit controversial listing these two as the same option, but it's my game, so I'll do as I want. These two were so intrinsically interlinked that if it came up, I could've easily done both with one fell swoop. So shoot me.

  • Spend it on a pad of writing paper, some envelopes and at least 10 stamps.

  • The result was: Six.

    I therefore have to buy a pad of writing paper, some envelopes and at least ten stamps. I will endeavor to complete this task (physically and mentally challenging though it is) tomorrow, more likely than not during my lunch hour.

    Obviously I have been led to this outcome by some peculiar quirk of fate, and this will undoubtedly urge me to use this opportunity to change the future of mankind for the better.

    Many people have used the skill of writing to improve the lot of others in life (I just can't think of any right now). It is irrefutable that this is my opportunity to do the same, I just don't really know how to go about it.

    Dilemma Two:
    What should I use these stamps and pad of writing paper for?

    Preferred option: Write to ten newspapers spreading a message of goodwill and happiness (and, of course, news of the Grand Experiment).

    Wednesday, June 16, 2004


    Didn't July 1st come aound rather quickly?

    Since Rich has sussed out the rather ingenious enigma campaign (with Omallyallyally's help) disturbingly quickly, I guess that there is no time to begin like the present.

    I have in my hot, sticky little hand £30 from kind Mr. Tesco, granted to me because they gubbered up my car insurance earlier this year, and have only just got round to giving me my money back.

    In my other hot sticky little hand, I am holding a die (I am therefore quite logically typing this with my nose).

    What does the one have to do with the other? Well, I strongly suggest that you read this but I shall explain anyhoo thusly...

    The basic premise is that you allow a die to make all your decisions for you, in theory liberating you from your mundane existance and landing you full-pelt in a randomly generated hellish lifestyle that can only lead to moral turptitude and decay. Some people have tried, and ultimately failed, to live their lives in this manner - they usually have to stop after a short period. I have no desire to follow in their footsteps.

    Rather, I will set a dilemma once a day (or whenever it suits me) and will let the die decide which option I should take. The remainder of the days decisions will be left to my own free will. I will provide one solution - my preferrable outcome - and will let you propose the other five - the first five suggestions in the comments box will be the ones I will go with.

    This Grand Experiment will draw to a close when

    A. I run out of collateral (£30)
    B. People stop giving me possible decisions for the dilemmas I set (so this could end rather abruptly)
    or C. The dice tells me to.

    As time goes on, I'll up the stakes a little, but while I'm just testing the waters, I'll ease in nice and slow...

    Dilemma One:
    What should be the first use for the collateral>?

    Preferred option: Enter the Lottery (I have never done so, and quite fancy sticking with the gambling theme).

    Tuesday, June 15, 2004

    Blog, the pre-emptive

    The Grand Experiment is almost upon us.

    Yes, it truly is finally coming, but please be patient. All will be revealed on July 1st 2004.